Thank you very much for inviting me to attend your inaugural discussion on the topic. My sincere apologies for not being able to attend due to time constraint.
FinTech has huge positive benefit in terms of financial inclusion, especially for women and for the informal sector. For example, through M-Pesa, access to finance in Kenya sharply increased from less than 10% of the adult population prior to the launch to over 90% now. Kenya government became the first sovereign to issue retail bonds (M-Akiba) through mobile phone apps, to provide savings opportunities for Kenya citizens.
I very much applaud your leadership in bringing the topic into sharp focus. Without a conscious effort to put social/ethical responsibilities into the guiding principles on FinTech development, it is possible that unchecked growth in FinTech could bring unintended negative consequences and overshadow positive outcomes. Therefore I believe it is important and timely to begin drawing up a set of principles and guidelines to guide the healthy development of the FinTech sector.
I’d like to draw a parallel with the development of the Green Bond market and its associated regulatory framework. When the World Bank issued the world’s first Green Bond in 2008, there was no precedence and no framework. However, given the World Bank’s own commitment to global good, social responsibility, transparency and proactive disclosure, we put developing a high global standard on Green Bond as an organic part of ourmission. Therefore we worked with ICMA (International Capital MarketAssociation) and formed an Executive Committee to guide the development of the Green Bond Principles(GBP).(https://www.icmagroup.org/sustainable-finance/the-principles-guidelines-and-handbooks/green-bond-principles-gbp/). The principles covered the use of proceeds, process for project evaluation and selection, management of the proceeds and reporting. The GBP, later complemented by the Social Bond Principles, The Sustainability Bond Guidelines and the Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles, played a key role in building a global standard and trust, which enabled the green bond market to grow from a niche product to over US$ 1 trillion in a short period of a decade.
While the GBP is a voluntary global standard, the membership of ICAM and the Executive Committee of GBP has broad presentation including investors (Blackrock, PIMCO, Zurich Insurance, Amundiand others), Issuers (World Bank, IFC, EIB and others) and underwriters (JPMorgan, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, HSBC and others). This ensured the wide adaptation and acceptance of the standard. The GBP Executive Committee has a number of standing working groups to focus on specific topics. Currently there are five standing working groups: Sustainability-linked bonds, climate transition finance, green projects eligibility, social bonds and impact reporting.
I hope the experience of the Green Bond Principles could be of some reference value to the development of social/ethical guidelines and principles for the Chinese FinTech market to provide a roadmap for the continued healthy development to benefit citizens and the real economy.
I wish the discussion a great success and hope to be able to attend in person in the near future.
作者 | 华敬东 世界银行副行长兼司库
翻译 | 罗曼、李思睿